Our Apps

Frontend Admin
Bring Content management to the Frontend with ease
A game-changing plugin that enables you to create dynamic frontend forms and manage content easily. Turn your site into a lucrative Platform as a Service (PaaS) with a sleek, user-friendly frontend dashboard.

Advanced Queries
Filter posts Dynamically
This plugin is build on Elementor’s posts and portfolio widgets so Elementor must be installed and activated. You can use this plugin to query your posts based on a dynamic author field or date field.

One Click Modal
Show content in modal/Popup
Simple plugin that allows you to show any Elementor widget inside of a modal window. Requires Elementor
Shabti is currently available for a limited number of custom development projects. This includes but is not limited to custom features for DynamiApps plugins.
Reach out to Shabti directly to get a quote
Email: Support@DynamiApps.com
Whatsapp: +972-53-232-3950
Our videos

Frontend User Specific Edit Product Widget in Frontend Admin w/Elementor & WordPress – Video

Pay-to-Publish Feature: Charge Users to Publish Woo Listings from the Frontend with Frontend Admin and WordPress – Video

Getting Started with Frontend Admin on Your WordPress Site – Video

Automate Email Notifications with Frontend Admin’ Elementor and WordPress – Video

Display a Frontend Form in an Elementor Pro Off-Canvas Widget with Frontend Admin – Video